Get Ahead with our International News Feed.

The international press reflects a vast diversity of views on a wide range of topics. Help your talent gain a better understanding of the global context, master trending vocabulary, and refine their language proficiency with News Feed.

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AI-Powered Learning

Our newest digital feature News Feed provides language learning exercises automatically generated from the latest daily news articles through machine learning and artificial intelligence.

Up to 300 articles processed daily

Tools to make the most of your reading

Topics for all areas of interest

Up to 300 articles processed daily

Watch the world through the eyes of English-speaking journalists from the major press headlines in the UK, the USA, India, and Australia.

Taken from renowned press titles such as BBC News, CNN, and Time, our selection of articles is sorted by language level, and comes with a smart, built-in dictionary.

Make the most of your reading

Practice English with exercises derived directly from the articles’ content, targeted by language skill.

  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar
  • Listening & Speaking – relying on our new, powerful speech recognition software
  • Comprehension (coming soon)

Topics for all areas of interest

Check out the daily top stories or explore our database to find out more about the topics most relevant to you:

  • Business
  • Technology
  • Science
  • Health
  • Sports

See News Feed in action

News Feed is included with our Learnship Solo & Sprint courses. Contact us now!